For as long as I remember, reading has been my favorite thing to do.
I’ve always loved writing too. I was that kid who actually enjoyed writing essays in school! I wrote my first novel when I was eleven. It was an Enid Blyton rip-off. It was terrible.
I didn’t write stories for a long time after that. Instead, I got a Master’s degree in Energy Engineering from one of the top schools of India, and worked in the IT industry for four years.
And then, in the 2000s, I rediscovered my love for writing. I blogged at Hallucinations! and wrote short stories, and essays for a number of publications. It helped that my daughter turned out to be a story-gobbler, and we’ve been laughing and thinking our way through a number of magnificent books ever since she was born.
I’ve written books for children of all ages, both fiction and non-fiction.
When I write fiction, I love the journey my imagination takes me on. It is so much fun to imagine new worlds, and make up characters whom I can order around!
Writing non-fiction is entirely different. I enjoy all the research, discovering amazing facts and people, and chasing after elusive bits of information that will make my book that much better. And then, to gather all that research, and write it all down in a clear, concise, interesting way, is a huge challenge, but so enjoyable!
I also edit manuscripts, although, recently, I’ve been really selective about my projects. If you’re interested, check out the testimonials here.
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